
Band Lightens Mood After Ferry Jumper

Headwater playing “Freight Train” on a BC Ferry (April 16, 2010)

Some months back I had a shocking experience of being on a BC Ferry when someone jumped off the boat. The alarms went off, the ferry swung around and rescued him and took him back to shore for the ambulance to pick him up before we went on our way to Victoria. My fellow passengers and I were reeling after this for the voyage we thought would be peaceful and uneventful. I tried to get back to reading and listening to music but it was hard to shake the heaviness of what had happened. Then I heard something…

I took off my earphones to see what it was and it turned out to be a band seated at the front of the boat who had brought out their instruments to play for the passengers and bring up the mood. It was a truly inspirational experience to witness. I wrote down the name of the band but then lost it and couldn’t find them. I thought I would never know who they were.

2 days ago I was thrilled to see the same band play on the ferry again! Their name is Headwater and I coincidentally sat directly beside them before I knew it was them! I’m so glad to be able to now give them some credit for their awesomeness. I took a couple of videos on my iPhone, one of which I’ve included above. They are a local Vancouver band but they are touring around BC and Alberta this summer if you’re interested in checking them out.

I don’t know whether the day of the jumper was the first time they played on the ferry but I’m glad they took the chance to do so. It was an inspiring example of how music can bring people together and lift you up in times that try the soul.

Thanks for your music Headwater. It really made a difference.


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