All posts by Petra

Apple Vs. Adobe and Developers

I was excited to hear in Adobe’s CS5 launch yesterday that Flash CS5 supports iPhone app export but later in the day I heard Apple’s newly revised section 3.3.1 of their licensing terms makes it so Flash made apps likely won’t be allowed! This is not the only thing the new terms limits.

From the Apple licensing terms: “3.3.1 — Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner prescribed by Apple and must not use or call any private APIs. Applications must be originally written in Objective-C, C, C++, or JavaScript as executed by the iPhone OS WebKit engine, and only code written in C, C++, and Objective-C may compile and directly link against the Documented APIs (e.g., Applications that link to Documented APIs through an intermediary translation or compatibility layer or tool are prohibited).”

Continue reading Apple Vs. Adobe and Developers

Photos of BGV Show at the Olympic Stage

The Olympics have come and gone in a flash. There was such a lead-up of craziness, especially in my downtown Vancouver home, that it almost ruined the event for me. I was not looking forward to it… But a couple of days into it the spirit caught me and I was whisked away with all the inspiring action. It was an amazing couple of weeks to witness.

In the middle of it all I made it to a couple of music shows on one of the Olympic stages at the Plaza of Nations and saw some great bands including Black Gold Victim’s second show, for which I made their poster. It was a fantastic stage and quite the giant step up from the little Purple Crab venue their first show was at. The stage was big and roomy and the sound was great. A wonderful venue for an awesome band. Some of the photos I took are below and you can find more at my BGV flickr set.

BGV at Plaza of Nations
BGV at Plaza of Nations

Continue reading Photos of BGV Show at the Olympic Stage

Canadian Aviator March/April 2010

Canadian Aviator Cover March/April 2010
Canadian Aviator Cover March/April 2010

The March/April issue of Canadian Aviator magazine is on shelves now.

Another issue is done and on shelves. Some interesting stories this issue like a story on what it’s like to be a bush pilot in Fiji, a story on a possible nuclear bomb in the wreckage of a crash in the BC mountains, and the history of the Gander Airport “The World’s Crossroads”. Continue reading Canadian Aviator March/April 2010